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The Spaceteam Admiral's Club is a community of friends and fans of the game [Spaceteam]. Anyone can create an account but there are special rewards if you support my future projects by becoming a paying member!

Join the Admiral's Club- Henry (aka Captain Spaceteam)

Spaceteam 1.7 is now available in SIX new languages!

Thanks to the hard work of all the translators Spaceteam is now available in SIX new languages: Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, Czech, Polish, and Brazilian Portuguese!

The next step is to let people know that they can now play in their native language! If you know people or press in these communities please spread the word.

Google Play:
Android manual install:


  • Hey there!
    Just wanted to let you know that the new version is not running on my Sony Xperia Z2, just crashes before the menu, older versions still work fine but I can't play with friends :/
    Really nice to see these frequent updates, keep it up!
  • Hi @Old_Nobody, thanks for the report. Could you try removing the app and installing the "non-Google Play" version from here: just to see if it works? Thanks. And if you know how to send me a crashlog that would be helpful in diagnosing the issue.
  • Thanks for the quick response!
    Unfortunately, that version also crashes instantly.
    I don't know how to save crash reports of it on my phone, but one time it would let me send my crash data via the play store report function, where I also added my phone data and such.
    Hope that helps and thanks again!
  • Hey, I think if you add a multiplayer online mode so you don't have to have people near you only. You could also add a voice chat system. It would take time but I think it would be nice.
  • edited August 2015
    Thanks for the suggestions @BANAN4_GOD but it's pretty important for the gameplay to have everyone in the same physical space so they can hear each other and see other people's body language, etc. It would change the dynamic considerably if you were talking over voice chat, not to mention the technical challenges with lag/latency.
    I'll definitely consider it for future games but I don't think it's a good fit for Spaceteam.
  • I still can't play on my Xperia Z3 unfortunately, and I'm the only one of us with the admiral's club membership :(
  • Oh no @Old_Nobody, I'm sorry!
    I don't know what the problem could be. It's probably some combination of specific device model and other installed apps, but it's difficult for me to track it down precisely. I'll let you know if I make any progress. Let me know if you would like a refund or a free Admiral's Club membership to give to someone else!
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