The Spaceteam Admiral's Club is a community of friends and fans of the game
[Spaceteam]. Anyone can create an account but there are special rewards if you support my future projects by becoming a
paying member!
Join the Admiral's Club- Henry (aka Captain Spaceteam)
So far, this is what I have:
Tier 1 - $1
Community Forum + Developer Diary + Secret Handshake
Tier 2 - $10
**Custom Spaceteam character** + Community Forum + Developer Diary + Secret Handshake
Tier 3 - $25
**Spaceteam Lexicogulator (Word List Editor)** + Custom character + Community Forum + Developer Diary + Secret Handshake
Tier 4 - $100
**Exclusive features in Blabyrinth and Shipshape** + Lexicogulator + Custom Character + Community Forum + Developer Diary + Secret Handshake
Tier 5 - $5,000
**Fully customized version of Spaceteam** + Exclusive features in Blabyrinth and Shipshape + Lexicogulator + Custom character + Community Forum + Developer Diary + Secret Handshake
I'd like to avoid physical rewards, but if I do have them I'll probably include an embroidered patch of the Admiral's Club logo.
I also might run into some difficulties using Spaceteam features as rewards because of Apple's guidelines on buying things outside of the App Store. I'm hoping I can get away with it for the word list editor and custom character because the editing will actually take place on a website and the in-app features (enabling the word lists) will be available to everyone, but they may still have a problem with it.
I'm also not a fan of the $1 reward tier. If someone has $1 then they have $5. If the campaign isn't good enough to make them spend 5 I don't see it succeeding. You're giving away games for free...this is where you need to make money.
I don't think you can change tiers after starting, only add new ones. I have no idea what tier 4 is for or why I would take it. Maybe leave it out until more details are available or ideally make those details available at the start.
One thing I saw once that was kinda interesting was a "lottery" reward tier. Something like a $30 tier for a chance at getting that $5000 reward. You could say for every 2 hundred backers at that level another prize is added so the odds are always more or less the same. Or just limit the tier.
"Includes all previous" instead of x+y+z
$1 reward tier isnt necessary and takes up room for your message.
$10 reward tier features a reward that is meant to have a bit of exclusivity. I think something a bit more simple/sentimental would work better here in addition to $1 rewards
$25 - This is your second main tier. I think its decent though needs to have something thats a driving force for non-spaceteam people.
$50 - This tier is normally really popular, you should for sure have a $50 mark
$100 - flush out what features I can't really tell what to think of this tier.
$5k tier - This tier doesn't really make sense, basically when someone big donates they normally don't even take a reward tier beyond the minimum. When Notch pitched one of my campaigns 2,000 he took the $15 tier for an example, but the data shows this is normally the case. I would exclude this tier as it takes up room for an explanation that only effects maybe .001% of backers out there.
- I'll remove $1 (replacing it with $5?) and add $50
- I can move the custom character to a higher tier
- $100 is the definitely the one I was least happy with, usually this tier would be a t-shirt or something, it would be easier with physical rewards.
- I'm surprised that you don't like the $5k tier. I've had several requests for customized versions of Spaceteam and one person already said they would pay roughly this price. If I got even a couple more at this level then it would make a significant difference to the campaign. Do you think I should have no high priced tiers at all or just change the reward?
I'm having trouble coming up with non-Spaceteam-related rewards. I'm expecting most of the backers to already know the game so that's why I've been sticking to Spaceteam things.
Do not even bother with a T-shirt. it's normally a mess to handle and it's not really a reward that pops out.
I did the "all above included" and ran into trouble mid-campaign when we wanted to add a new reward based on backers feedback that was limited in number and in the middle of the table - some people thought it was included in higher rewards tier because of the phrasing. And you cannot edit rewards after you launched on KS.
I would keep the $1 reward tier... This goes well with your messaging that everyone is welcomed. $1 and $5 is essentially the same, the core of your backers will be $10+ anyway, the purpose to have it is to feel all-inclusive.
Tier 4 is a hard sell when you dont anything about the games - that will mean people will hold off it until they know more and when more is known, it might be too late , they might forget about the campaign altogether, etc...
Give more details on the games and the kind of features that tier covers...
Physical rewards are a pain - agreed. Unless it is a landslide and you have thousands of backers, dont bother.
$5k tier makes a lot of sense to me...
-I have always kept the "all previous rewards" and only added additional tiers as a replacement for tiers sold out. if additional items come up you can put "add $25 to your pledge if you would like the new spaceship plushy." or whatever comes up.
I place a large value on clarity of text and being concise. Personally I would vote to keep the "all previous rewards" and use the "add $X" in the case of issues. It would keep it short and clear.
-Physical rewards are fine, just make them limited order. people love physical CDs/Art Zines/badges etc. You should include physical for certain. I have never ran a campaign that didn't see a large demand for the physical tiers. In my experience people adore them and ask for them.
-If you have people already interested in the 5k tier then you should keep it. I know spaceteam has been used in schools and businesses so it might be a possibility if you heard interest about that.