The Spaceteam Admiral's Club is a community of friends and fans of the game
[Spaceteam]. Anyone can create an account but there are special rewards if you support my future projects by becoming a
paying member!
Join the Admiral's Club- Henry (aka Captain Spaceteam)
I've had a few volunteers offer to help with a Portuguese translation but I'm not sure how much work people have already done so please use this thread to share what you've done so far and coordinate your efforts.
For reference, the online Translation Tool is here:
(The Lexicogulator is a much nicer version of the dynamic string editors in the Translation Tool.)
Alguém chegou a fazer algum pedaço da tradução? Acho que o ideal seria compartilharmos o que já temos pra que quem não tem nada feito (como eu) pode focar em coisas que faltam.
Os arquivos podem ser depositados em um dropbox ou disponibilizados no google drive.
PS: Como organizaremos a comunicação? Grupo do facebook? Whatsapp? E-mail quadradão mesmo?
Translation, for Mr. Henry
Does anyone have anything translated? I think it's in our best interest to share what we already have, so those who haven't done anything yet (like me) can focus on what we're missing.
The files can be stored in a dropbox or made available through google drive.
PS: how will we communicate? Facebook group? Whatsapp? Ye olde e-mail?
I'd really like to help too. Altough it'll be the first time I'll be participating in this kind of project.
I know some of the therms used in the game would be a pain to translate, so imagination and knowledge of sci-fi movies and stuff would be an importante thing to consider too.
I think we should start communicating through e-mail, and when we get a couple more people we chose the best communication channel for everyone.
Um abraço!
If you give me a Gmail address, I can add you on it so you can contribute. It is very easy to work on it. A lot has already been done but there is still plenty to do.
Personally, I would prefer to use this forum for our communications from here on out, but we can use email if that's what is better for most, whatever...
Mas como faríamos? Eu vou subir os arquivos e coloco o link aqui...
Paulo, existe uma planilha no google docs, conforme postado acima. Já tem algumas traduções feitas algum tempo atrás, mas o trabalho ficou pelo caminho.
Podemos fazer a tradução nessa planilha, numa cópia dela ou iniciar tudo novamente. O que acham?
o meu email é brosensbarros.thiago@gmail.com. Se me adicionarem, eu já começo a fazer umas traduções rapidinho.
Acho uma boa trabalharmos em cima dessa planilha; não precisa começar do zero, não tem porquê.
Mas o problema é para fazer os testes no translator tool? Como copiar da planilha para o tool? Ele é perfeito para ver se a tradução faz sentido ou não.
Tive uma ideia um pouco diferente.
O que acham de alterarmos no txt mesmo e após cada alteração, nós jogamos no translator tool para testar os resultados? Criei uma pasta com os arquivos em txt e um arquivo de imagem que mostra a colocação no tool de cada arquivo em txt...
A vantagem da planilha é a organização, já que dá pra saber a partir do que cada coisa foi traduzida.
I'd like to have access to the translation sheet, please: churrumino@gmail.com
It's ok if you can't translate everything, since the words are picked randomly every time you play. Some words might only make sense in English.
Don't feel any pressure to continue if you don't have time. There are no deadlines. Whenever you're ready to try the translation in the game just let me know.
How can I help u with this I really want to help releasing PT-BR language.
I noticed once in a while some gender errors, but only occasionally, I wouldn't consider it a problem. And also sometimes, the instructions said to increase a control to a certain number when it should actually say to lower it, I noticed that a few times.
However, the big choice I would very much disagree with is leaving “Wormhole” in english. In the Spanish version, you have it as "agujero negro”, which is “black hole”. Although I know that a wormhole and a black hole are not the same thing, it would have been much better to make it “buraco negro”, as in the Spanish version, because it is a more familiar concept, the translation of wormhole (“buraco de minhoca”) is quite awkward and little-known, and what matters is that whatever it is, it is something to be avoided. To me, someone who speaks no english or even some english will have a real hard time communicating “wormhole” in the midst of a serious, high-stakes space mission. I actually consider it a serious impediment to it being played in Portuguese.
What does everybody else think?